The Ultimate Guide To Your Assistant

Virtual assistants helped me build and sell my first business, here is what I learned.

Jimi Smoot
3 min readJul 6, 2016


The below is an excerpt from my free e-book “The Ultimate Guide To Your Assistant”.

Edison had Clarence Dally. Guy Kawasaki hired Peg Fitzpatrick to run his social media. Even Sherlock Holmes had Dr. Watson. Donna Karan started as an assistant to Anne Klein before building DKNY into a fashion empire.

Successful people tend to have at least one person helping them run things behind the curtain. An assistant is a person who can get things done on your behalf, making you more effective at the things that drive the most impact for you and your business.

I know this firsthand because I’ve lived it.

Back in 2011 I started working heavily with assistants while I was running a company at night and working a full time job during the day. Since my day job took up most of my hours I was determined to leverage the little bit of time that I did have. To do this I relied on the help of virtual assistants.

I struggled with maintaining quality in the beginning but I eventually figured out a formula that was centered around building specific repeatable workflows much like we do in the software development world. I called these workflows “scripts” and used them heavily so that I could offload non important work and stay focused on my strengths.

Eventually I sold the business and went on to found Vesper where we have productized some of the things I’ve learned to deliver most of the value of an assistant for 5% of the cost.

Today I’m also announcing a free 50 page eBook: “The Ultimate Guide To Your Assistant.”

Why I wrote it

With all the people out there who can benefit from an assistant, I expected to find more practical content on how to hire and work with one. When you search for content about assistants you end up with a lot of anecdotal information. You’ll find some practical information, but much of it deals with executive assistants. For someone who’s serious about getting an assistant, there’s nothing very comprehensive to walk you through the process.

Not hiring an assistant or hiring the wrong assistant can be a very costly mistake therefore you want to do as much research as you can before you get started. Unfortunately, the information you’ll find online is scattered and incomplete.

I wrote The Ultimate Guide To Your Assistant to fill that education gap in the marketplace. It’ll take you through the entire process, helping you gain the insights you need to shape your own unique relationship with your assistant.

What’s inside it

Inside this 50-page e-book, you’ll find a wide range of resources for working with your assistant.

  • Why you need an assistant: A primer on how your assistant helps you get more done in less time while empowering you to focus on your strengths and the projects you love.
  • Who can use assistants: From salespeople to freelancers, I offer profiles of the types of people who can get the most benefit out of hiring an assistant.
  • What assistants can do: A granular look at the types of tasks and projects your assistant can help you tackle.
  • How to hire an assistant: A crash-course on evaluating your business and personal needs and using them to inform the hiring process.
  • How to work with your assistant: Tips, templates, and more to help you get the most out of your relationship with your assistant.

How to get it

The Ultimate Guide To Your Assistant is available to download free here.



Jimi Smoot

Software Developer, Host of “The Prior Transformation” podcast